Latest News

Upcoming Event: Building a More Socially Inclusive Community

Our next event will be a panel discussion - 'Building a More Socially Inclusive Community'

29 June, 2017

“I never just wanted a degree. I wanted to learn about the world.”

Gareth Shanthikumar learnt more than he expected on his internship with St Patrick's Community Support Centre.

29 June, 2017

Congratulations to our first JUSTICE UK Intern - Gabrielle Sumich

Gabrielle Sumich successful in securing our first London based internship with JUSTICE UK

22 June, 2017

“It’s been such a terrific experience and it’s helped shape my perspective."

Helena Trang tells all about her internship with the Museum of Freedom and Tolerance.

22 June, 2017

'Model Citizens' - McCusker Centre for Citizenship interns featured in The Weekend West

'My Generation - Think you know millennials? Think again.'

19 June, 2017

“I think there are a lot of young people in the same boat – who want to make a difference but don’t know where to begin.”

'Self-doubt is the biggest barrier for young people' according to Adehlia Ebert, McCusker Centre for Citizenship Intern.

16 June, 2017

"I can’t imagine not having had this amazing experience."

Jacinta Whitehouse on her McCusker Centre Internship with Challis Primary School.

12 June, 2017

“We’re all busy, but if you want to do something, you make time for it.”

Hear from Marketing Student, Anushka Lakhwara, about her internship with Be-Friend.

9 June, 2017

Congratulations to our next Global Citizen Interns

Well done to Jessica and Shakira on their new internships with Global Citizen

2 June, 2017

Frank Wilson Scholarship - Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for The Frank Wilson Scholarships

18 May, 2017