Latest News

PATCHES Paediatrics and the Kimberley - an intern's perspective

22-year-old UWA Medicine student Nicholas Mattock travelled to the Kimberley more

18 January, 2017

Human Rights Finalist

Congratulations to Sara Shengeb

22 December, 2016

As citizens, what we do for society counts

Read the Director's opinion piece in The West Australian.

14 December, 2016

Thank you to all our partners

Thank you

12 December, 2016

Providing Opportunities for ‘Active Citizenship’

Director Michelle Scott outlines the role of the McCusker Centre for Citizenship in promoting active citizenship in opinion piece.

7 December, 2016

Hear what our interns have to say!

In 2016, close to 130 interns completed internships with the McCusker Centre for Citizenship contributing more than 13,000 hours to making a difference in our community.

2 December, 2016

Round table discussion - Attitudes towards valuing children in our community

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship partners with the Valuing Children Initiative

29 November, 2016

Making a difference in Fitzroy Crossing

Allister talks about his experience working with Fair Game in the Kimberley

28 November, 2016

The Big Idea - UWA Finalists

The Big Idea - UWA Winners

27 October, 2016

Disrupted - Festival of Ideas

We were very excited to work with the State Library to bring you our 'Active Citizens' panel for the Disrupted - Festival of Ideas. The panel was led by Waleed Aly - and included June Oscar AO, The Hon. Wayne Martin, Michael Sheldrick and Kaliyugan Pathmanathan.

4 October, 2016