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“The protections and principles of natural justice, while fair on paper, don’t always exist as perfectly in real life.”

UWA Finance and Law and Society student, Shaneli Dias, works on “best practice” legal processes for Aboriginal children and their families who come into contact with the Western Australian court systems.

23 February, 2018

“It’s a fantastic way to be a part of something bigger.”

UWA Public Health Masters student, Stefanie Faraone, learns how important listening to the community is to making a real difference through policy.

13 February, 2018

McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern René Neumann awarded the United Nations Association of Australia WA President's Award at inaugural UN Day Gala

Exchange student René Neumann completed a McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship with United Nations Association of Australia WA and helped to organise the inaugural UN Day Gala which celebrated the UN’s 60th anniversary and awarded Western Australians for outstanding achievements across the areas encompassed by the UN's seventeen sustainability goals.

9 January, 2018

Active Citizenship: an understanding and willingness to engage with community problems to facilitate change

Nic Mattock is the first UWA student to take part in the McCusker Centre for Citizenship Global Citizenship Exchange. He traveled to Durham in early December 2017 to complete his two month exchange.

9 January, 2018

McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern uses maths to help diagnose childhood illnesses

UWA Science student Emily Low created an online questionnaire to make early diagnosis of childhood Autism, Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder and Global Developmental Delay more efficient.

8 January, 2018

"It’s an incredible opportunity to gain credit for your degree in a way that develops diverse, practical skills whilst making a difference".

Britt Liebeck used her skills in strategic communications to help UnitingCare West redesign its annual report by telling the stories of marginalised individuals that the organisation serves with compassion and respect.

13 December, 2017

UWA students design ‘Tech Hub’ to help people in Mirrabooka gain vital digital skills and find jobs

Four UWA students have designed a plan for a Tech Hub in Mirrabooka Library to facilitate digital training for local residents seeking employment and connect them with local businesses.

1 December, 2017

WA millennials give more than 30,000 hours to community service

University students have contributed more than 31,000 hours of community service in the first two years of the McCusker Centre for Citzenship

23 November, 2017

First McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern departs for Justice UK in London

Final-year law student Gabrielle Sumich is breaking new ground as the first McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern to work at prestigious London-based law reform organisation JUSTICE UK.

23 November, 2017

'Gumtree’ for Not for Profits to help organisations collaborate, sell and trade within the sector

TETHR saves not-for-profit organisations time and resources so they can spend more time helping communities.

22 November, 2017